Monday, December 23, 2019

Development Of A Transformational Leader - 1351 Words

Developing Transformational Leaders in Nursing In order to develop strong leaders throughout the nursing industry, one must encompass various traits from all types of leadership theories. Of the many different theories, transformational leadership has a heavy impact in creating a strong and successful leader. Strengths Finder 2.0 guides individuals into focusing on developing themselves through their strengths instead of trying to fix their weaknesses. In doing so, individuals are able to develop natural talents in a way that creates a higher achieving workplace. This paper will explore the use of applying transformational leadership focused on developing strengths and how it can be applied to nursing as an industry, in personal practice,†¦show more content†¦Empowerment motivates each individual to increase autonomy and self-determination in a way that results in high-quality performance throughout the organization. Having a commitment to a team further encourages this auto nomy and self-determination amongst employees, giving them a sense of control to use their creativity and skill set effectively while motivating them to achieve at higher levels. Transformational Leadership in Nursing Throughout the nursing industry, both managers and bedside nurses utilize their strengths and skills as transformational leaders to develop a strong sense of camaraderie that bases its success through teamwork and development of personal attributes. As the role of the nursing manager, individuals must inspire their employees to share the same vision as they do on behalf of the organizational goals. Givens (2008) explains how transformational leadership is shown when leaders encourage followers to think outside of the box, thus motivating them to perform at higher levels by becoming more involved in their work and developing a sense of commitment to the organization (p. 11). This not only pertains to the nurse manager but to lower level employees as well. Even though lower level employees, such as a certified nursing assistant, do not own a title that gives them authority, each employee can still practice leadership skills

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Search for Three Truths in the United States Free Essays

With the dream of liberty and the pursuit of happiness my family has immigrated halfway around the world, from Vietnam to America. My parents fled to the United States, not for them but for the unending opportunities for their children. My parents have sacrificed their whole live for their children to have freedom and a bright future, regardless of any difficulties. We will write a custom essay sample on The Search for Three Truths in the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now My parent†s sacrifices are the motivation that pushed me to higher level of education because I acknowledge the amount of pain my family underwent by coming to the United States by extracting the maximum amount of knowledge in my undergraduate studies. I felt overwhelmed when I left Vietnam for the United States because not only did I have to learn a new language, I needed to learn a new philosophy, one completely the opposite of what the communist had taught me. It wasn†t that hard to forget the corrupt philosophy and learn a new philosophy, but it takes time to learn a new language, especially during childhood. It was very difficult for a child to keep his native language and to learn a second language and expect him to fluent in both languages. So I struggled with the English language throughout my elementary and middle school, but I knew if I put effort into studying, eventually I would be able to overcome my language difficulties. I worked assiduously throughout my high school career and received almost straight A†s in Honors and AP classes. While I may not have had much opportunity for advancement or education in Vietnam, in the U.S I placed my education and future as my ambition. My family fled to the United States with a dream to search for three truths: life, liberty, and happiness. We are very fortunate to find these â€Å"truths†, however, along the way there were many hardships, difficulties and asperities. I am glad that these difficulties have occurred to my life because it made me a stronger person, a dedicated student, and person that has the capability of tacking problems to matter how great. How to cite The Search for Three Truths in the United States, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Fly in the Ointment free essay sample

Journey – Father: leaving the factory, money, the business man. The Irony at the end: that he cannot get rid of this, of the â€Å"dark side†. â€Å"Tow faces†: father cannot let go of his vice / â€Å"dark side†. The cynical end of the story shows this dark revelation to the son. Theme: Man’s struggle for survival. It is a unique and personal journey, not all struggles are the same and have the same endings. Father / Son Description of characters. Detailed and showing their personalities, weaknesses, hopes, fears. Good story to work on characterisation. Relationship between them = CONFLICT Father: the bearer of â€Å"two faces†. His son KNOWS they both co-exist. â€Å"fly† – a metaphor which depicts the theme of the father? s lack of control of the dark side and we see how it overflows his character. Father’s projection of his frustration on his son but calling him â€Å"professor† ironically and by constantly referring to his son? s receding hair (and teeth? ) = physical weaknesses that the son has but, up against his father, is more stable in personality. We will write a custom essay sample on The fly in the ointment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Money Father’s dependence on it and the son’s awareness of this Cynical end: â€Å"Old habits die hard. † Symbols 1) set in the month of November, at the â€Å"dead hour†, in the Fall 2) the fly 3) the â€Å"silver-topped pencil† 4) the factory (the contrast between the outside and inside) 5) the â€Å"bars† on the â€Å"frosted windows† 6) the â€Å"harvest moon came down from it rosy voyage† = the fact that his father was trying to convince himself that he could change suddenly ended when his son mentioned the fact that he might be able to raise some â€Å"cash† FLY IN THE OINTMENT = meaning of the title 1) One cannot control one’s life like the father cannot kill the fly 2) The father cannot control â€Å"the little face† (the â€Å"dark side†) 3) The fly represents and shows the existence of an aspect of the self that is in denial and cannot change 4) Trying to kill the fly = trying to control his lust for money. By failing, the father is â€Å"ruining the ointment† and ruining his own life, his business.