Sunday, February 16, 2020

IN VITRO FERTILIZATION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IN VITRO FERTILIZATION - Research Paper Example According to the World Health Organization, â€Å"Infertility is the inability to conceive a child. A couple may be considered infertile if, after two years of regular sexual intercourse, without contraception, the woman has not become pregnant (and there is no other reason, such as breastfeeding or postpartum amenorrhea).† Infertility may be classified as either primary infertility or secondary infertility. Primary infertility refers to infertility where there is no history of even a single pregnancy. Secondary infertility is defined as infertility where there is a history of a previous pregnancy. Infertility may result owing to reproductive problems arising within the males or the females. There are many reasons which can affect the normal capacity of conceiving. These include the increase age of females, smoking by males and females, decreased coital occurrence and consumption of alcohol in increased amounts. Other factors include altered body mass index of the females and certain drugs which alter the normal reproductive capacity. The increased occurrence of infertility has led to the creation of management techniques to correct this issue. In vitro fertilization is one such technique which is used by the couples for the purpose of conception. This technique which is also referred to as IVF is the combining of an ovum and sperm in the laboratory for creating an embryo. This embryo is then artificially implanted into the uterus of the female (American Pregnancy Association 2007a; American Pregnancy Association. 2007b; Monga et al., 2011). In vitro fertilization is a very expensive procedure and mostly it does not lie under the insurance coverage in many states in America. The cost for one complete cycle of in vitro fertilization is not marked to be constant for every person. But the estimated cost is believed to range from 12,000 to 17,000 dollars. This is the initial cost that has to be paid for the entire procedure with the inclusion of the medicati ons. If other artificial reproductive techniques are used along with In vitro fertilization the cost can be higher. If the couple requires an ovum and sperm donor the cost is raised as per the requirement. If an ovum is required the cost can increase to 25,000 to 30,000 dollars. If a sperm is required, the cost may rise to 13,000 to 17,000 dollars. These costs are implicated for only one cycle and if unsuccessful, complete costs are to be repaid for the carrying out of the entire process of in vitro fertilization again (Dugdale et al.,2009; Gurevich 2011). Different investigations are to be completed prior to the initiation of the procedure. A general physical examination of the female should be performed along with the examination of the pelvis. The genitals of the males should also be examined. A semen analysis report of the male should be performed for ensuring the viability of the sperms and to check if there will be a need for a donor. Follicular stimulating hormone, luteinizin g hormone and estradiol levels should be checked for the females during the follicular phase. This should be followed by a hysterosalpingogram. An ultrasound of the pelvis should also be performed to locate any uterine pathology. In vitro fertilization is performed following the completion of these tests. The procedure involves the completion of five basic steps. The first step is the introduction of medicines to lead to the production of ova that can be used for the fertilization. FSH is introduced within the female body to promote the production of up to 10 ova. This is followed by the administration of hCG which causes the ovaries to release eggs. The second step is the collection of the eggs. This is done with using a needle is then performed with the assistance of

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